R. de Lisboa 7800-292 Beja Portugal
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R. de Lisboa 7800-292 Beja Portugal
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What to See?

Hermitage of Santo André

When we enter the city from the Lisbon side, we come across the Ermida de Santo André. The primitive hermitage was built by D. Sancho I, at the place where Captain Fernão Gonçalves met on the night of November 30, 1162 to combine the assault on the city.

The construction we now see is from the end of the 15th century and is part of the set of Gothic-Mudejar buildings characteristic of the Alentejo.
It was a tradition on Santo André's day for the Senate of the City to come in procession to the hermitage to commemorate the taking of Beja from the Moors.

The outside

It has a porch on the front flanked by cylindrical turrets surmounted by conical minarets. These clods and battlements give it an air of medieval fortress.

The Inside

Its interior has a single nave with an ogival vault and a chancel covered with 17th century polychrome tiles.